Living Lab Radio on CAI
Mondays at 9am and 7pm
Living Lab Radio produced its last episode in December, 2019. Thank you to all our listeners who supported the program over the years.

Credit Maura Longueil
Latest Episodes
This is the last episode of Living Lab Radio.Heather Goldstone will be joining Woods Hole Research Center to communicate about what is possibly the most…
Bridget B. Baker, Wayne State UniversityWhile the weather outside may indeed get frightful this winter, a parka, knit hat, wool socks, insulated boots and…
“If you have scientific misconduct, there are some clear rules that have been around for quite a while where your funding could be at jeopardy. We thought…
Aude Watrelot, Iowa State UniversityWhen you take a sip of wine at a family meal or celebration, what do you notice?First, you probably note the visual…
It is with deeply mixed emotions that I am leaving WCAI to lead communications at Woods Hole Research Center, the top-ranked climate change think tank.…
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released its annual Arctic report card last week, with data tracking seven vital signs of Arctic…
In the early hours of December 9th, the volcano known as Whakaari, or White Island off the northern coast of New Zealand erupted, killing several people.…
There are thousands of languages spoken around the world today. While we know how many of them are related to each other, we know very little about how…
We all know we’re supposed to eat a balanced diet with a combination of different types of foods. A growing body of research suggests the same is true…
“We get to read the whole book. Normally, you go out for a couple of months. It's like you have a complicated mystery and you get two chapters and you're…