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Local NPR for the Cape, Coast & Islands 90.1 91.1 94.3
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Ways to Support Us

CAI Membership
Membership is the lifeblood of CAI. If you've never made a gift or would like to renew your membership or make an additional gift, do so now. Or take advantage of our Sustaining Membership, an ongoing monthly or yearly pledge on your credit card, with less paper and more e-communications, plus a variety of special earth-friendly thank-you gifts.

Fundraising & membership questions? Reach us at WCAImembership@wgbh.org

Become a Business Partner
Sponsorship on the Cape and Islands NPR Stations, WCAI 90.1, WNAN 91.1, WZAI 94.3, makes good business sense. Learn how sponsorship can help your business.

Founders Circle
As a Founders Circle champion you will experience CAI as an insider and your minimum annual donation of $1,000 or more will have a meaningful impact on our local programming and reporting. Join, upgrade, or renew your Founders Circle gift today, or contact us at founders_circle_cai@capeandislands.org, or learn more here.

Car Donation
Thinking about selling your car, boat, motorcycle, or truck? Donate it to the Cape and Islands NPR Stations instead! Your donation will support the programming and you can receive a tax deduction. Learn how easy it is to donate your vehicle.

Making a Donation
Checks can be made payable to WCAI Public Radio.

If you are transferring funds from your Donor Advised Fund or investment accounts, please direct those funds to: WGBH Educational Foundation, for the benefit of WCAI Public Radio

Tax ID: 04-2104397