Another blizzard is forecast for our region. To help you understand what's happening, we've compiled a list of our favorite online resources for storm-related information.
- Tune to WCAI. We'll keep you updated with the latest forecast and emergency information. Also, here is our latest web post on the storm - check back on it often, as we'll update it as revised forecasts become available.
- The National Weather Service is a go-to source for up-to-date warnings, forecasts, and weather imaging.
- Cape Cod Weather provides local forecasts and updates, as well as explanations of what goes into forecasts and what they really mean. Twitter feed @capecodweather.
- Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency has winter storm tips on their website and posts updates on shelters, press conferences, and other emergency actions on twitter as @MassEMA.
- When school closures happen, the Cape Cod Times will have a list of Cape and Islands closures, New Bedford Standard Times will have one for the South Coast, and WHDH TV maintains a statewide list of closures and delays.
- For information on ferry service to and from the islands, check with the provider. The Steamship Authority and Hy-line Cruises are posting service updates on their websites. Hy-line is also on twitter - @hylinecruises.
- Outage maps from EverSource (formerly NStar) and National Grid are a great way to keep track of power outages, unless, of course, your power is out. In that case, you can report an outage by calling 800-592-2000 (EverSource) or 800-465-1212 (National Grid).
- Want to know what the storm looks like on the ground? OnCape Webcams offer a variety of views from around the Cape, including Woods Hole, Sagamore, and Orleans.
- Twitter is a good go to place for real time updates. We've created a list of Weather Watchers who are good to follow for information: Weather Watcher Twitter List
- If you're on Twitter, but don't want to clutter your feed with state officials and weather junkies, #MASnow is a good hashtag for tracking storms.
- If you have to be at sea, or know someone who is, the National Weather Service also provides Marine Weather Forecasts.
- Last but not least, of course, is right where you are now. We'll be posting conversations with experts and observers around the region, and keeping track of everything in a regularly updated live blog.
- And don't forget to let us know what conditions are like where you are. Share photos and updates on WCAI's Facebook page.
Some Weather Apps we've been using:
Deep Weather (Free)From NOAA, easy-to-read version of the most recent National Weather Service updates.
The Wunderground App (Free) Community powered weather. Everything on the website but on in app! Upload photos from your storm experience and follow updates.
NOAA Radar Pro Severe Weather App ($1.99) Great look at radar, 24-hour forecasts at a glance and pinpointing weather alerts in your area.